· clojure

Clojure: Handling state by updating a vector inside an atom

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I’ve been learning about ranking algorithms and I wanted to apply them to a series of football matches to see who the strongest team was.

Before that, however, I wanted to sketch out the functions that I’d need to do this and I started with the following collections of matches and team rankings:

(def m
  [{:home "Manchester United", :away "Manchester City", :home_score 1, :away_score 0}
   {:home "Manchester United", :away "Manchester City", :home_score 2, :away_score 0}])

(def teams
  [ {:name "Manchester United" :points 1200}
    {:name "Manchester City" :points 1200} ])

I wanted to iterate over the matches and make the appropriate updates to the teams' rankings depending on the result of the match. If a team wins their ranking goes up and if they lose it goes down.

I wasn’t sure how to iterate over the matches and pass along an updated teams collection so I decided to wrap teams in an atom that I could update:

(def t (atom teams))

The next step was to work out how to update the vector inside the atom t. The http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/1.2.0/clojure.core/assoc function comes in useful here. If we want to update the ranking for Manchester United we could write the following code:

> (map #(if (= "Manchester United" (:name %))
         (assoc % :points 1500)
[{:name "Manchester United", :points 1500} {:name "Manchester City", :points 1200}]

We’re mapping over the collection of teams and then each time checking whether or not the team is Manchester United. If it is then we update the ':points' value and if not then we leave it alone.

The next step is to update the vector that the atom t references which we can do by using the swap! function:

> (swap! t
         (fn [teams]
           (map #(if (= "Manchester United" (:name %)) (assoc % :points 1500) %)
({:name "Manchester United", :points 1500} {:name "Manchester City", :points 1200})

If we look inside t we can see that its reference has changed as well:~ ~lisp > @t [{:name "Manchester United", :points 1500} {:name "Manchester City", :points 1200}] ~

Our next step is to pull this code into a function that we can call from other code since we’ll eventually want to iterate over the matches and update teams appropriately.

Since we know that we’ll need to update both the home and away team after each match we’ll make sure the function can handle that: ~lisp (defn update-teams [teams team1 new-score1 team2 new-score2] (vec (map #(cond (= team1 (:name %)) (assoc % :points new-score1) (= team2 (:name %)) (assoc % :points new-score2) :else %) teams))) ~

We’re calling vec on the result to get back to a vector like we had initially. We’ll handle the updating of the atom reference from elsewhere, this function only handles creating a new instance of the underlying vector.

Now let’s call that function while we’re iterating over the matches that we defined earlier: ~lisp > (map (fn [match] (swap! t (fn [teams] (update-teams teams (:home match) (new-home-score match teams) (:away match) (new-away-score match teams))))) m) ([{:name "Manchester United", :points 1201} {:name "Manchester City", :points 1201}] [{:name "Manchester United", :points 1202} {:name "Manchester City", :points 1202}]) ~

In this case I’ve stubbed out new-home-score and new-away-score to increment the existing ranking by one: ~lisp (defn new-home-score [match teams] (let [home-team (find-team (:home match) teams)] (inc (:points home-team)))) (defn new-away-score [match teams] (let [away-team (find-team (:away match) teams)] (inc (:points away-team)))) (defn find-team [team teams] (first (filter #(= team (:name %)) teams))) ~

If we were using a real algorithm we’d assign points to the winner and take them away from the loser of a match.

Although the map over the matches actually returns a collection showing the updated rankings after each match, if we want to access the current rankings we’d deference the atom t like we did earlier: ~lisp > @t [{:name "Manchester United", :points 1202} {:name "Manchester City", :points 1202}] ~

This approach works but it feels a bit hacky to have resorted to using an atom so I’d be interested in hearing from any Clojure experts if there’s a better way to solve this type of problem and if so what it is.

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