· neo4j

Neo4j 2.0.0: Query not prepared correctly / Type mismatch: expected Map

I was playing around with Neo4j’s Cypher last weekend and found myself accidentally running some queries against an earlier version of the Neo4j 2.0 series (2.0.0).

My first query started with a map and I wanted to create a person from an identifier inside the map:

WITH {person: {id: 1}} AS params
MERGE (p:Person {id: params.person.id})

When I ran the query I got this error:

==> SyntaxException: Type mismatch: expected Map but was Boolean, Number, String or Collection<Any> (line 1, column 62)
==> "WITH {person: {id: 1}} AS params MERGE (p:Person {id: params.person.id}) RETURN p"

If we try the same query in 2.0.1 it works as we’d expect:

==> +---------------+
==> | p             |
==> +---------------+
==> | Node[1]{id:} |
==> +---------------+
==> 1 row
==> Nodes created: 1
==> Properties set: 1
==> Labels added: 1
==> 47 ms

My next query was the following which links topics of interest to a person:

WITH {topics: [{name: "Java"}, {name: "Neo4j"}]} AS params
MERGE (p:Person {id: 2})
FOREACH(t IN params.topics |
  MERGE (topic:Topic {name: t.name})
  MERGE (p)-[:INTERESTED_IN]->(topic)

In 2.0.0 that query fails like so:

==> InternalException: Query not prepared correctly!

but if we try it in 2.0.1 we’ll see that it works as well:

==> +---------------+
==> | p             |
==> +---------------+
==> | Node[4]{id:2} |
==> +---------------+
==> 1 row
==> Nodes created: 1
==> Relationships created: 2
==> Properties set: 1
==> Labels added: 1
==> 53 ms

So if you’re seeing either of those errors then get yourself upgraded to 2.0.1 as well!

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