
telnet/netcat: Waiting for a port to be open
· devops-2

Fabric/Boto: boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: No handler was ready to authenticate. 1 handlers were checked. ['QuerySignatureV2AuthHandler'] Check your credentials
· devops-2 fabric boto

Fabric: Tailing log files on multiple machines
· devops-2 python fabric

The Tracer Bullet Approach: An example
· devops-2

There's No such thing as a 'DevOps Team': Some thoughts
· devops-2

Web Operations: Feature flags to turn off failing parts of infrastructure
· devops-2

Configuration in DNS
· devops-2

Environment agnostic machines and applications
· devops-2

Chef, Fedora and 'ArgumentError: Attribute domain is not defined!'
· chef fedora

Database configuration: Just like any other change
· devops-2