· kafka kcat jq

kcat/jq: Reached end of topic at offset: exiting

I’ve recently been working with Debezium to get the Pizza Shop product catalogue from MySQL into Apache Kafka and ran into an issue when querying the resulting stream using kcat and jq. In this blog I’ll show how I worked around that problem.

I configured Debezium to write any changes to the products table into the mysql.pizzashop.products topic. I then queriesthis topic to find the changes for just one of the products:

kcat -C -b localhost:29092 -t mysql.pizzashop.products -e  | jq '.payload | select(.id == 1)'

And got the following output:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Moroccan Spice Pasta Pizza - Veg",
  "description": "A pizza loaded with a spicy combination of Harissa sauce and delicious pasta.",
  "category": "veg pizzas",
  "price": 335,
  "image": "https://www.dominos.co.in//files/items/MoroccanSpicePPVG_N.jpg",
  "created_at": "2022-11-22T10:07:36Z",
  "updated_at": 1669111656000,
  "__deleted": "false"
% Reached end of topic mysql.pizzashop.products [0] at offset 83: exiting
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Moroccan Spice Pasta Pizza",
  "description": "A pizza loaded with a spicy combination of Harissa sauce and delicious pasta.",
  "category": "veg pizzas",
  "price": 335,
  "image": "https://www.dominos.co.in//files/items/MoroccanSpicePPVG_N.jpg",
  "created_at": "2022-11-22T10:07:36Z",
  "updated_at": 1669117483000,
  "__deleted": "false"

If I took away the jq command I wasn’t getting the 'reached end of topic' error message, it was returning both events properly. But the messages don’t format so nicely without jq so I still needed a solution.

A bit of searching led me to a blog post written by Francesco Tisiot in which he described exactly the same problem that I was having. The solution is to pass in the -u flag to kcat, which stops it from buffering the output. We end up with the following command that works perfectly:

kcat -C -b localhost:29092 -t mysql.pizzashop.products -e -u  | jq '.payload | select(.id == 1)'

Thanks Francesco!

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